Shine Bright: Discover the PRMAL CREW Brand Ambassadors

Prepare to be inspired as we showcase the 6 remarkable individuals who make up our PRMAL CREW brand ambassador.

1. Saori Teshima / @saori_sarah_1121

Occupation : Beauty salon management, beauty salon consulting, beauty product development
My favorite PRMAL items are : Dome Ring, Triple Band Ring

2. Yukina / @yukina7.7

Occupation : Model and Caregiver
My favorite PRMAL items are : Dome Ring, Floating Diamond Hoop Upper Earring M, Pearl Oval Ring

3. Mai Shiratori / @tomboy_mai

Occupation : Trend Researcher
My favorite PRMAL items are : Peek Diamond Ring

4. Kyo / @harapekyoka

Occupation : Freelancer
My favorite PRMAL items are : 1ct Half Eternity Ring

5. Mana Mizumura / @mana_mizumura

Occupation : Company employee
My favorite PRMAL items are : Mixture Diamond Ear Cuff, Pearl Oval Ring

6. Yoshie Ueno / @yoshielleueno5

Occupation : Freelancer
My favorite PRMAL items are : Floating Diamond Hoop Lower Earring M

We'll be sharing updates and organizing events through our ambassador's Instagram account. Stay tuned.